Custom objectives
Bayesian Optimization with Custom Objectives¶
In this tutorial we demonstrate the use of Xopt to preform Bayesian Optimization on custom objectives. In this case, we develop models of individual components of the objective function and combine samples from these models to calculate predicted objective values.
In this example we try to maximize the objective function $$f(g_1(x),g_2(x)) = \min(g_1(x), g_2(x))$$ where $g_1(x) = (x-0.5)^2$ and $g_2(x) = (x - 2)^2$.
Define the test problem¶
from xopt.vocs import VOCS
import torch
from xopt.evaluator import Evaluator
from xopt.generators.bayesian import ExpectedImprovementGenerator
from xopt import Xopt
from xopt.generators.bayesian.objectives import CustomXoptObjective
from torch import Tensor
from typing import Optional
# define variables and function objectives
vocs = VOCS(variables={"x": [0.0, 2.0]}, observables=["g1", "g2"])
# define a test function to optimize
def sin_function(input_dict):
return {"g1": (input_dict["x"]) ** 2, "g2": (input_dict["x"] - 2.0) ** 2}
Create Xopt objects¶
Create the evaluator to evaluate our test function and create a generator that uses the Upper Confidence Bound acquisition function to perform Bayesian Optimization.
class MyObjective(CustomXoptObjective):
def forward(self, samples: Tensor, X: Optional[Tensor] = None) -> Tensor:
return torch.min(
samples[..., self.vocs.output_names.index("g1")],
samples[..., self.vocs.output_names.index("g2")],
evaluator = Evaluator(function=sin_function)
generator = ExpectedImprovementGenerator(
X = Xopt(evaluator=evaluator, generator=generator, vocs=vocs)
n_steps = 5
# test points for plotting
test_x = torch.linspace(*X.vocs.bounds.flatten(), 50).double()
for i in range(n_steps):
# get the Gaussian process model from the generator
model = X.generator.train_model()
# do the optimization step
Xopt ________________________________ Version: 2.4.6.dev5+ga295b108.d20250107 Data size: 0 Config as YAML: dump_file: null evaluator: function: __main__.sin_function function_kwargs: {} max_workers: 1 vectorized: false generator: computation_time: null fixed_features: null gp_constructor: covar_modules: {} custom_noise_prior: null mean_modules: {} name: standard trainable_mean_keys: [] transform_inputs: true use_cached_hyperparameters: false use_low_noise_prior: true log_transform_acquisition_function: true max_travel_distances: null memory_length: null model: null n_candidates: 1 n_interpolate_points: null n_monte_carlo_samples: 128 name: expected_improvement numerical_optimizer: max_iter: 2000 max_time: null n_restarts: 20 name: LBFGS supports_batch_generation: true turbo_controller: null use_cuda: false max_evaluations: null serialize_inline: false serialize_torch: false strict: true vocs: constants: {} constraints: {} objectives: {} observables: - g1 - g2 variables: x: - 0.0 - 2.0
/home/runner/miniconda3/envs/xopt-dev/lib/python3.13/site-packages/botorch/acquisition/ NumericsWarning: qExpectedImprovement has known numerical issues that lead to suboptimal optimization performance. It is strongly recommended to simply replace qExpectedImprovement --> qLogExpectedImprovement instead, which fixes the issues and has the same API. See for details. legacy_ei_numerics_warning(legacy_name=type(self).__name__)
/home/runner/miniconda3/envs/xopt-dev/lib/python3.13/site-packages/botorch/acquisition/ NumericsWarning: qExpectedImprovement has known numerical issues that lead to suboptimal optimization performance. It is strongly recommended to simply replace qExpectedImprovement --> qLogExpectedImprovement instead, which fixes the issues and has the same API. See for details. legacy_ei_numerics_warning(legacy_name=type(self).__name__)
/home/runner/miniconda3/envs/xopt-dev/lib/python3.13/site-packages/botorch/acquisition/ NumericsWarning: qExpectedImprovement has known numerical issues that lead to suboptimal optimization performance. It is strongly recommended to simply replace qExpectedImprovement --> qLogExpectedImprovement instead, which fixes the issues and has the same API. See for details. legacy_ei_numerics_warning(legacy_name=type(self).__name__)
/home/runner/miniconda3/envs/xopt-dev/lib/python3.13/site-packages/botorch/acquisition/ NumericsWarning: qExpectedImprovement has known numerical issues that lead to suboptimal optimization performance. It is strongly recommended to simply replace qExpectedImprovement --> qLogExpectedImprovement instead, which fixes the issues and has the same API. See for details. legacy_ei_numerics_warning(legacy_name=type(self).__name__)
/home/runner/miniconda3/envs/xopt-dev/lib/python3.13/site-packages/botorch/acquisition/ NumericsWarning: qExpectedImprovement has known numerical issues that lead to suboptimal optimization performance. It is strongly recommended to simply replace qExpectedImprovement --> qLogExpectedImprovement instead, which fixes the issues and has the same API. See for details. legacy_ei_numerics_warning(legacy_name=type(self).__name__)
/home/runner/miniconda3/envs/xopt-dev/lib/python3.13/site-packages/botorch/acquisition/ NumericsWarning: qExpectedImprovement has known numerical issues that lead to suboptimal optimization performance. It is strongly recommended to simply replace qExpectedImprovement --> qLogExpectedImprovement instead, which fixes the issues and has the same API. See for details. legacy_ei_numerics_warning(legacy_name=type(self).__name__)
/home/runner/miniconda3/envs/xopt-dev/lib/python3.13/site-packages/botorch/acquisition/ NumericsWarning: qExpectedImprovement has known numerical issues that lead to suboptimal optimization performance. It is strongly recommended to simply replace qExpectedImprovement --> qLogExpectedImprovement instead, which fixes the issues and has the same API. See for details. legacy_ei_numerics_warning(legacy_name=type(self).__name__)
/home/runner/miniconda3/envs/xopt-dev/lib/python3.13/site-packages/botorch/acquisition/ NumericsWarning: qExpectedImprovement has known numerical issues that lead to suboptimal optimization performance. It is strongly recommended to simply replace qExpectedImprovement --> qLogExpectedImprovement instead, which fixes the issues and has the same API. See for details. legacy_ei_numerics_warning(legacy_name=type(self).__name__)
/home/runner/miniconda3/envs/xopt-dev/lib/python3.13/site-packages/botorch/acquisition/ NumericsWarning: qExpectedImprovement has known numerical issues that lead to suboptimal optimization performance. It is strongly recommended to simply replace qExpectedImprovement --> qLogExpectedImprovement instead, which fixes the issues and has the same API. See for details. legacy_ei_numerics_warning(legacy_name=type(self).__name__)
/home/runner/miniconda3/envs/xopt-dev/lib/python3.13/site-packages/botorch/acquisition/ NumericsWarning: qExpectedImprovement has known numerical issues that lead to suboptimal optimization performance. It is strongly recommended to simply replace qExpectedImprovement --> qLogExpectedImprovement instead, which fixes the issues and has the same API. See for details. legacy_ei_numerics_warning(legacy_name=type(self).__name__)
# access the collected data
x | g1 | g2 | xopt_runtime | xopt_error | |
0 | 0.180146 | 0.032452 | 3.311870 | 0.000003 | False |
1 | 0.878066 | 0.770999 | 1.258737 | 0.000002 | False |
2 | 1.186373 | 1.407481 | 0.661989 | 0.000003 | False |
3 | 1.929101 | 3.721430 | 0.005027 | 0.000003 | False |
4 | 0.999394 | 0.998788 | 1.001213 | 0.000003 | False |
5 | 0.998447 | 0.996897 | 1.003108 | 0.000003 | False |
6 | 0.382928 | 0.146634 | 2.614921 | 0.000003 | False |
Getting the optimization result¶
To get the best point (without evaluating it) we ask the generator to predict the optimum based on the posterior mean.
x | |
0 | 0.999987 |
Customizing optimization¶
Each generator has a set of options that can be modified to effect optimization behavior
/tmp/ipykernel_4378/ PydanticDeprecatedSince20: The `dict` method is deprecated; use `model_dump` instead. Deprecated in Pydantic V2.0 to be removed in V3.0. See Pydantic V2 Migration Guide at X.generator.dict()
{'model': ModelListGP( (models): ModuleList( (0-1): 2 x SingleTaskGP( (likelihood): GaussianLikelihood( (noise_covar): HomoskedasticNoise( (noise_prior): GammaPrior() (raw_noise_constraint): GreaterThan(1.000E-04) ) ) (mean_module): ConstantMean() (covar_module): RBFKernel( (lengthscale_prior): LogNormalPrior() (raw_lengthscale_constraint): GreaterThan(2.500E-02) ) (outcome_transform): Standardize() (input_transform): Normalize() ) ) (likelihood): LikelihoodList( (likelihoods): ModuleList( (0-1): 2 x GaussianLikelihood( (noise_covar): HomoskedasticNoise( (noise_prior): GammaPrior() (raw_noise_constraint): GreaterThan(1.000E-04) ) ) ) ) ), 'n_monte_carlo_samples': 128, 'turbo_controller': None, 'use_cuda': False, 'gp_constructor': {'name': 'standard', 'use_low_noise_prior': True, 'covar_modules': {}, 'mean_modules': {}, 'trainable_mean_keys': [], 'transform_inputs': True, 'custom_noise_prior': None, 'use_cached_hyperparameters': False}, 'numerical_optimizer': {'name': 'LBFGS', 'n_restarts': 20, 'max_iter': 2000, 'max_time': None}, 'max_travel_distances': None, 'fixed_features': None, 'computation_time': training acquisition_optimization 0 0.146190 0.382422 1 0.146766 0.591754 2 0.137059 0.177567 3 0.161265 0.363072 4 0.137193 0.020389, 'log_transform_acquisition_function': True, 'custom_objective': MyObjective(), 'n_interpolate_points': None, 'memory_length': None, 'n_candidates': 1}